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Indicator extension stalk

What is it?

A metal rod connected to the vehicle’s existing indicator stalk which can either extend the indicator stalk out from behind the steering wheel, lower the height, bring closer, or reposition the indicator stalk to the opposite side of the steering column to suit the driver’s requirements.

What the adaptation is used for?

For drivers with a restricted range of movement or reach in the upper limb which would normally be used to operate a standard indicator. A steering aid is often used alongside this device by the upper limb with better or full function.could impact on safe car control. The easy release hand brake adaptation provides a handle which, when rotated, engages the handbrake button. The increase in mechanical assistance means less force is needed to release / apply the handbrake.

Factors to consider
  • Not recommended for driver’s using only one upper limb for the task of driving due to the potential for reduced steering control when attempting to operate the indicator extension stalk. Use of a wireless secondary control system may be more suitable 
  • The indicator extension stalk is not compatible with the secondary control switches of all vehicles. For example, if the switches rotate or include other functions such as cruise control, the device cannot be attached
Safety considerations for other drivers of the vehicle

The indicator extension stalk should not interfere with a driver’s ability to operate the secondary controls in a conventional manner. 

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